Are You A Modern Day Monk?
A Modern Day Monk is a fully ALIVE human being.
If you are reading this my guess is that you are already a Modern Day Monk or you are becoming one.
Either way, after reading this post and further understanding what constitutes a MDM (modern day monk) you will be eager to continue the exploration and process of becoming a full time MDM with us!
Here we go . . .
As a modern day monk you understand the paradoxical nature of reality - and this is primarily reflected in your personality like this - You have a deep peace with what is, as it is, yet you are tenacious in your hunger for more.
In this, you embody "still movement."
You understand that desire is not the cause of your suffering, but rather it is that desire that fuels the expansion (and evolution) of your world, and the world at large. That being said you aren't attached to your desires, you don't NEED them to make you happy - they are however an extension of your already exisiting happiness.
You don't withdraw from the world to find peace. You see life itself as the monastery, you see this moment as the temple, you see reality, ALL OF IT, as the dwelling abode of the divine. Life is like a big, warm cosmic ocean and you are eager AF to dive in and swim far and wide because you value gathering life experience more than gathering things.
As a MDM you are clear on what you want. You appreciate the opinions of others and their well-meaning expectations, but you don't succumb to them in order to please. You see a bigger picture and allow yourself to be led by the expectations of your own heart.
You understand that living and seeing in this way takes some effort, but conscious effort, well applied, leads to a more effortless life. So you embrace the inner technologies of the yoga/meditation tradition, which become your vehicles shock absorbers so you can maintain your inner alignment in this crazy world. You give yourself fully to your practice so that you can in turn give yourself fully to life.
You understand that practice on the mat, or cushion, is only preparation for life. The goal is to live fully. You therefore take the practice seriously, but never yourself.
And finally you know that there is something way bigger than you moving you and moving in all things. So in the background there is always an attitude of devotion, or surrender to the essence of life (love) that is innately in all things. And because you give yourself to LOVE, you see it in all things. And by seeing it in all things you elicit it out of all things. In this, you are a healer - not because you try to be, it is just a natural result of you being who you are.
So, are you a Modern Day Monk? Maybe you're like me and you're in MDM training camp. Perfect. One thing I love about this life (training camp) is that the becoming is just as sweet as the destination.
Keep practising, stay human and be love.
Chat soon, big smiles,